Seeing our kids play Video games or baseball, one of the thoughts that strike today’s gen parents is, “Ah, We only knew gully cricket and hopscotch”. Parents share the fun and nostalgia they used to experience with their kids without letting them actually experience it by themselves. Well, it’s no one’s fault, as we hardly have that much open space which is safe and clean at the same time. Don’t we want to give the same experience to our children which is a perfect combination of mental and physical exercise? Of Course, we do, let’s bring them closer to the earth. Let’s bring back our childhood by introducing our children to traditional Indian outdoor games that we played as children. Triguna country homes not only offer you plenty of open space to relive your childhood but also make sure to impart air so clean and landscape so green. Listing 5 most popular childhood outdoor games which we are missing in today’s busy and chaotic lifestyles.
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One of the most popular games of the 80’s which even our parents used to play with us. Commonly known as Kaddako, Stapu, kith kith etc, this game is an excellent example of Physical exercise. It involves skills like eye-hand coordination and hopping on one leg thus balancing. Without wasting much time let’s make the chalk grid and get started. Happy hopscotching!
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Kho Kho
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Another popular game of our time is Kho kho. It is a team game generally played in schools or when all our cousins meet. This Indian version of ‘Run-Chase’ increases stamina aiding better teamwork and coordination. The golden rule is not getting touched by an opponent’s team member while running around the group.
Gilli Danda
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Our desi version of Cricket is ‘Gilli-Danda’. Being one of the most popular street games in India, it is an extraordinaire exercise for hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and speed. The game includes flicking up a short stick, gilli, from the ground and then striking it while in the air with a longer stick, Danda. The player then needs to run to a predefined point before the opponents catch the gilli. Fun, isn’t it.
One of the most fun and entertaining games of our time is Kancha (marbles). It is believed that this game originally originated during the Harappan age. Being simple and inexpensive this was most popular among mohallas (streets). It can be played with as many people as you want and includes striking one Kancha with another using different techniques and thus collecting marbles from the one who loses. This might not involve physical strength but it needs good concentration and eye-hand coordination.
Seven stones or pittu needs two teams, a ball and seven flat stones or marbles to be stacked one over the other. Each player gets three chances to knock down the pile and the rest of the team has to put back the stack before getting hit by the ball from an opposing team member. This surely is fun and promotes team spirit and team bondings, hence teaching lessons for life.
Surely this would have created a small wave of nostalgia wanting you to go to your roots and let yourself and your child feel the fun that you have experienced as a kid. Have a happy, safe and healthy play!